After three fruitful years, the MAGO Prima project has officially come to a close. This journey has been lively and collaborative, marked by valuable challenges, technological achievements, participation and expansion of our network. Our three-day General Assembly provided a perfect opportunity to reflect on our outcomes, celebrate our progress, and consider our next steps.

The Final Annual General Assembly

The MAGO consortium's final annual General Assembly was held in Montpellier from April 23rd to April 25th. Over 25 researchers from all partnering organizations gathered to present the key results of their work and reflect together on future challenges and opportunities. This three-day session included site visits to the INRAE Lavalette experimental station, and the Source du Lez and took place at INRAE's headquarters, where we showcased our key achievements and assessed the impact of our outcomes.


Showcasing Our Work

As part of our closing activities, we presented posters on each Case Study. This was a fantastic opportunity to exchange insights on specific data and solutions. Open discussions allowed us to delve deeper into our findings.


A Visit to the Source of Lez

On the second day of our General Assembly, we were privileged to visit the INRAE Lavallette experimental station and the Source of Lez, a critical water source that supplies potable water to 74% of the population across 31 communes in the Montpellier Métropole. Located north of Montpellier, this source is situated in a region of ancient limestone rocks, ideal for rainwater infiltration and storage due to numerous fissures.


Reflecting and Looking Forward

Day three began with a reflective session, where we looked back at our journey and the milestones we've reached. Following this, we participated in a dynamic session led by Lisode, which put our collective intelligence to use, encouraging us to think critically and creatively about the past three years of collaboration.


Our project has always been about more than just innovation and technical solutions. One of our proudest accomplishments is the expansion of our network. We've successfully translated cutting-edge research into practical solutions for end-users, achieving our project's ultimate goal. This network of researchers, stakeholders, and end-users has grown stronger and more interconnected, paving the way for continued collaboration and impact.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our hosts at INRAE and to all the colleagues and friends who have been part of our journey. The PRIMA Program's support was instrumental in making this project possible. 

Although the official project has ended, our commitment to sharing outcomes and solutions continues. We are dedicated to ensuring that the knowledge and innovations developed during this project will continue to benefit our stakeholders and end-users.