University of Thessaly (UTH) was founded in 1984. UTH is a prominent institution of Higher Education aiming to promote scientific knowledge through teaching and research, and to contribute to the cultural and economic development of the local community, and the society at large. It promotes scientific and academic excellence in all fields of expertise and rewards outstanding individual performances, establishing new scientific research units and fostering an environment that supports innovative actions.
Today, University of Thessaly, with 37 Departments and 8 schools, is the third biggest University in Greece, with its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educational system. University of Thessaly provides 105 undergraduate and postgraduate programs, and extra-curricular modules in specific research and business fields. It has more than 42.000 undergraduate students, about 4300 postgraduate students and about 1500 PhD students. It also has 1000 members of teaching and research staff and 450 members of administrative personnel. It is known for its excellent research performance and outstanding scientific achievements, in accordance with the international standards. The excellent equipped Laboratories of the different Departments and Research Units have a number of well-trained researchers to support them.
As part of its future goals, University of Thessaly intends to strengthen its cooperation’s abroad, increase its human resources, upgrade and utilize existing human resources, attract young scientists and encourage research through the creation of modern research structures, increase infrastructure and utilize its assets and funds from the EU with the research programmes Horizon 2020, RFSR, FP6, FP7, Erasmus+, INTERREG, and LIFE. The members of the academic and research staff participate in European research networks and numerous innovative research projects in the EC. Currently, UTH has more than 600 Erasmus Bilateral Agreements with more than 40 different countries and works in partnership with European and overseas institutions to facilitate academic exchanges, research collaborations and jointly organized academic programs (intensive courses, summer schools etc.) with other higher education institutions.
Our Team
Chrysi Laspidou PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering Full Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering e-mail: laspidou@uth.gr |
Dimitris Kofinas PhD in Civil Engineering Associate Researcher at the Faculty of Civil Engineering e-mail: dkofinas@uth.gr |
Nikos Mellios PhD in Civil Engineering Associate Researcher at the Faculty of Civil Engineering e-mail: nmellios@uth.gr |
Alexandra Ioannou PhD candidate in Civil Engineering Associate Researcher at the Faculty of Civil Engineering e-mail: alexandra.e.ioannou@gmail.com |
Alexandra Spyropoulou PhD in Environmental Science Associate Researcher at the Faculty of Civil Engineering e-mail: aespyropoulou@gmail.com |
A small bio for the team leader: Chrysi Laspidou is a Professor at the Civil Engineering Department, University of Thessaly in Greece. Her research interests include resource Nexus and water informatics, mathematical modeling and simulation of physical-chemical and biological processes that take place in natural aquatic systems and other ecosystems, as well as urban water issues, resource depletion and sustainability, virtual water and water-carbon-ecological footprint. She has conducted research in many different aspects of water, from performing mathematical modeling of aquatic system processes to computational biology relevant to ecosystem function, to the socio-economic aspects of water use and water resource management. She is involved in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) projects that are mainly on innovative multisensors and/or biosensors, smart urban water management, smart cities and ICT for improving ecosystem function and quality. She has recently been elected the Vice-President of Research and Technology at Water Europe, while she is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Knowledge Action Network at Future Earth. She has published over 60 articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings and is actively involved either as a Principal Investigator, or as a Coordinator in research projects funded by the European Commission, or national sources.